速報APP / 教育 / SEGi Student Attendance System

SEGi Student Attendance System


檔案大小:69.7 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


SEGi Student Attendance System(圖1)-速報App

SEGi SAS is a student attendance system that is practical, easy-to-use system to capture and track students' class attendance and absenteeism in a much more effective and convenient way. It has the following features :-

a. Students are able to logged-in their class attendance using the mobile app with no more than a click of a QR code.

b. Lecturers can avoid the old way of capturing class attendance by way of calling students' names and logging each entry by hand which is time-consuming and on a paper-based record that takes up space.

c. System can keep track of absenteeism and lateness, letting the lecturers know if specific students are frequently late or absent from class.

SEGi Student Attendance System(圖2)-速報App

d. Timetable planner is able to upload the current timetable and allowed to make last minute changes to the timetable to cater for class time or venue changes.

e. The attendance data captured will be sync to the lecturer's portal in a real time manner which allows the lecturer to view and perform the necessary attendance updates like marking student's absence with reason or update attendance for students who forgot to bring their mobile phone.

f. Lecturer are able to download their weekly class attendance for reporting and teaching claims purposes.

g. Students are able to view their current timetable and attendance history for the entire academic session.

SEGi Student Attendance System(圖3)-速報App

h. Several attendance reports can be generated like Student Attendance for all the subjects the student is enrolled in for the current academic session, Attendance Statistical Report for management etc